This is a reissue on Aesop's own label, Block Block Chop. Triple vinyl.
The highly anticipated follow up to Labor Days and the Daylight EP. Featuring Camp Lo, PFAC, El-P, and Mr. Lif. Produced by Aesop Rock, Blockhead, and El-P.
Bazooka Tooth
N.Y. Electric
Hunter Interlude
No Jumper Cables
Limelighters (feat. Camp Lo)
Funkaholic Interlude
Super Fluke
Cook It Up (feat. P.F.A.C.)
Honyecomb Interlude
We're Famous (feat. El-P)
Babies With Guns
The Greatest Pac-Man Victory In History
11:35 (feat. Mr. Lif)
Ketamine U.S.A. Interlude
Kill The Messenger
Mars Attacks